Mosque 1
Mosque Name: Umm Qussa Mosque 1
Country: Jordan
City: Baidha (near Petra)
Year of construction (CE): 800-899
GPS: 30.374861 35.454722
Gibson Classification: Mecca
Plan: A long rectangular mosque with the miḥrāb in the center of South wall, in axis to the door in North wall. Two arcades with double transversal arches resting on reused ancient column drums divide the enterior into three naves running parallel to the long walls. Along the northern wall, to the left as one enters the mosque, a small platform has been recorded, whose function is still unclear.
Measurements: Exterior: ca. 7.50 x 9.50 m-10 m (with miḥrāb). Interior: ca. 6 x 8 m-8.50 (with miḥrāb). Building Materials: Local semi-dressed and undressed sand and limestone, some ancient spolia such as the column drums. Construction details: Masonry in horizontal layers bond with mud mortar. The internal room was plastered and painted in white and red. To best view in Google Earth, set the view date to 10.2019,
Mosque 2
Mosque Name: Umm Qussa Mosque 2
Country: Jordan
City: Beidha
Year of construction (CE): 700-799
GPS: 30.375048 35.453166
Gibson Classification: Between
Plan: Rectangular, with the miḥrāb protruding to exterior of South wall, and the door in the North sector of the East wall. Along each of the long walls two pilasters carrying transversal arches for support of a flat roof of perpendicular wooden beams with cane mats and hay-mud package. The transversal arches are supported by reused column drums.
Measurements: Exterior: ca. 6.50 x 9 m-9.50 m (with miḥrāb). Interior: ca. 5 x 7.50 m-9 m (with miḥrāb). Building Materials: Local sand and limestone, some ancient spolia such as the column drums. Construction details: Masonry in horizontal layers bond with mud mortar. The floor of hard packed soil is lowered compared with the exterior walking level; the entrance was by means of steps down, at the NE corner.

Mosque 1 at Beidha

Mosque 2 at Beidha
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