Mosque Name: Mu’tah Qasr and Tomb of Zayid ibn Ali
Country: Jordan
City: Mu’tah
Year of construction (AH): 740
Year of construction (AD): 122
GPS: 31.089892 35.708814
Gibson Classification:
Rebuilt facing Mecca: Never
Zayd ibn ‘Alī Zayn al-‘Ābidīn ibn al-Ḥusein was born in H 76 / AD 695 and triggered a revolt against the Umayyad Caliph Hishām ibn‘Abd al-Malik in H 122/AD 722. Yūsuf ibn Umar al-Thaqafī, the Umayyad Governor of Irāq, quelled the insurgency and in this turmoil Zayd bin ‘Alī was killed. This shrine is believed to be the place where the body of Zayd ibn Ali was buried.

Satellite photo of the small Qasr where the Zayd's body is said to be buried.

The grave is located in the center of the small Qasr.

The grave is on the bottom right. Through the arch you can see the mihrab.

Close-up of the mihrab.
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