Mosque Name: Palaiya Jumma Palli
Country: India
City: Kilakarai
Year of construction 600-699 CE
GPS: 9.229489 78.785983
Gibson Classification: Unknown
Rebuilt facing Mecca: 1036
For a Link to the Qibla Tool Click Here
This mosque is often confused with the Old Kilararai Mosque. This mosque however, looks like an Indian temple. The mosque was completely rebuilt in the 11th century, and again in the 17th century by a workforce and materials provided by the ruler of Ramnad and some by the Kilakarai merchants. So what remains today comes from the 17th century. There is no way to determine the original Qibla, nor the foundation of the original building. While many Muslims claim that it is a very early mosque, perhaps built by Malik lbn Dinar nothing exists to confirm this except local ledgend.

In the background one can see the minarets of this mosque.

In the background one can see the minarets of this mosque.

Note the unique carvings on the columns

The main door

The Mihrab
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