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Mosque Name: al-Bāra Mosque

Country: Syria

City: Al-Bara

Year of construction (AD): 750-799

GPS: 35.688414 36.531234

Gibson Classification: Unknown


The original GPS coordinates used here were taken from the Israeili Early Islamic database, but did not seem to be quite correct. So we have changed the GPS coordinates to where we think they should be.

This mosque is reported to be about 35x20 meters with a semicircular mihrab. The Qibla was taken from archeological drawings of the mosque and mihrab.

The ancient city of Al-Bara

The ancient city of Al-Bara

The Qibla wall

The Qibla wall

Sketch of the mosque and other buildings.

Sketch of the mosque and other buildings.


Charpentier, Gérard, 2013. “La mosquée du bourg d’El-Bâra en Syrie du Nord“, in: Georges Tate (ed.), Villes et campagnes aux rives de la Méditerranée ancienne, Topoi Orient-Occident Supplément 12, 285-309.

Fourdrin, Jean-Pascal, 2013. “Les couvents paléochrétiens du nord de l’Apamène: Analyse typologique”, in: Georges Tate (ed.), Villes et campagnes aux rives de la Méditerranée ancienne, Topoi Orient-Occident Supplément 12, 235-260.

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