Mosque Name: Nimes Graveyard
Country: France
City: Nimes
Year of Burials: 800 - 900:
GPS: 43.833353 4.351409
Gibson Classification: Parallel
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Street excavation in 2016 in the city of Nimes, France, uncovered an early Islamic graveyard. The bodies date from the 8th century, and are buried on their side in traditional Islamic form. Researchers from Inrap and the Pacea UMR, Université de Bordeaux, published in the PlosOne review, the first archaeological and biological anthropological evidence of this Muslim presence in France during the early Middle Ages.
In advance of the construction of an underground parking lot on the present-day avenue Jean-Jaurès, the excavations led by Inrap revealed an Antique residential quarter, along with about twenty graves. Among these, the body position of three male burials was distinct, being placed on their right-hand side and facing southeast. Working from the archeologist’s drawings, Dan Gibson determined that the bodies faced an average orientation of 148.22 degrees, which is similar to other North African and Spanish Qibla directions. Please remember that the orientation of graves is a rough calculation only.

Drawing of the site, and the archeological pit.

Photos of the three Islamic graves.
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