Mosque Name: Merida Fortress Mosque
Country: Spain
City: Merida
Year of construction (AH): 220
Year of construction (AD): 835
GPS: 38.914912 -6.346902
Gibson Classification: Parallel
Rebuilt facing Mecca: Never
This great fortress was built by Umayyad Emir Abd ar-Rahman II in 835 AD. In charge of laying it out was the architect Abd Allah. The purpose of this fortified palace to serve as a headquarters for Umayyad administrative offices and also as a residence for the local governor. It was also used to filter access to the city from the Roman bridge, and to shelter the Arab minority during repeated local revolts, and to station troops belonging to the Emir. It was also a staging point for sending raids into the Christian kingdoms of the North.

The mosque is in a fort.

The mosque area from above

The area was well decorated.
Feijoo Martínez, Santiago, and Alba Calzado, Miguel, 2005. “El sentido de la Alcazaba emiral de Mérida: su aljibe, mezquita y torre de señales”, Excavaciones arqueológicas en Mérida 2002: 565-586.
Barceló, Carmen, 2004. “Las inscripciones omeyas de la alcazaba de Mérida”, Arqueología Y Territorio Medieval 11(1): 59-78.
Feijoo Martínez, Santiago, 2001. “El aljibe de la Alcazaba de Mérida: 1a campana de excavación en la zona Norte y Oeste”, Mérida, excavaciones arqueológica 1999⁄5: 191-211.
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