Mosque Name: Balid (Zofar) Mosque
Country: Oman
City: Salalah
Year of construction (CE): 800-899
GPS: 17.005985 54.130585
Gibson Classification: Mecca
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Al Baleed is the ancient port located near Salalah, Oman. Evidence from recent excavations has shown that the site was inhabited in the pre-Islamic period. Since its origins, about 2000 BC in the Bronze Age and its continued rise in the late Iron Age, it was a key center which dominated the East African, Indian and Chinese trade. Both Arab and European historical references indicate that it was rebuilt a number of times from the 4th century AH (10th century AD) to its final demise around 618 AH (1221 AD). Al Baleed, the ancient Zafar of Arab historians was a prosperous port and trading center. Arab travelers, including Ibn Mujawir (1232 AD) and Ibn Battuta (1329 and 1363 AD) visited the city and described its people and economy. Shifting economic, ecological and political conditions along the North Indian Ocean led to its slow demise by the mid 16th century AD.
The old Congregational mosque in Baleed faced south of Mecca.

Baliid Mosque QIbla

Zofar, Baleel, Salalah museum

Entering the Archaeological Park
The Museum of Frankincense Land opened in 2007 near Salalah at al Baleed Park in Oman’s southern region of Dhofar where Boswellia trees grow. The museum is located in an archaeological park of historic city-port Al Balid, selected by UNESCO in 2000, as one of the four World Heritage Sites of the Land of Frankincense.

Zofar, Baleel, Salalah map

Map of the Baleed site.

Above: The author and his wife stand beside a frankincense tree, in the court yard of the Baleed Museumm.
Al Baleed’s layout (above) is similar to other Southern Arabian ports such as Sohar. The dark blue at the top of the drawing above indicates the current ocean shoreline. A major lagoon or khor is indicated by the smaller dark blue area below the city. This is in essence a fresh water lake today. This lagoon is created by a series of spring run-offs from the Dhofar hills, thus providing al Baleed with an abundance of fresh water. The light blue area shows how the shore line has expanded outward, blocking the lagoon’s connection with the sea. Eventually ships could no longer enter the lagoon, and the port facilities became distant to the sea.
Concerning its prosperity from foreign trade, smaller boats would enter the lagoon to a customs house off-loading the cargo from the ocean-going dhows anchored offshore. A formidable city wall with perhaps four gates and associated bastions as described by Ibn Mujawir (1232 AD) is at least 2 km long and 4 meters high n places, protecting the western section of the city which covered 25 hectares. The large urban area dominated by formal buildings such as mosques and houses can be seen along the western portion of the city. The large open spaces of the eastern part of the city may have held horse stables, sardine drying fields and frankincense storage areas. The low lying hills of dressed stone rubble as well as numerous artifacts strewn across the surface are indicative of buried buildings.

A frankincense tree

Bark of the frankincense tree

Fort Cannon

Fort Cannon

Fire hole for cannon

Lizard on a nest


A sewn boat.

Here you can see the binding used to hold the boards together.

Evidence of the sewing on the bow

Ships sewing is clearly evident here.

Evidence of the sewing on the bow

Different view of the same boat

There is much more to be discovered at this site.

Boats could enter into the city proper.

The water went all the way around the island, acting like a moat.


Lots of wildlife.

The path is lighted making walking easier at night.

The path is lighted making walking easier at night.

The path is lighted making walking easier at night.

There is lots more to be uncovered.

Walking paths give access to all of the sites.

The city is still buried under sand.

Excavations from the city of Baleed.

Near the Grand Mosque

Al Baleed's Grand Mosque
Al Baleed’s Grand Mosque was the greatest building in the city. It covered an area of 1,732 sq metres, had 144 stone pillars, a central courtyard and a large minaret, which was at least 5 metres high. The mosque was first built during the 10th century and remained in use until the 16th century. Most of the columns you can see standing today appear to be recent reconstructions, but some of the original columns are laid out on the ground in front of the mosque. Other original features which you can still clearly see are the mihrab (pointing to Mecca) and the ablution area.
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