Mosque Name: Qasr El-Bai’j
Country: Jordan
City: Desert Castle
Year of construction (AH): pre-Islam
Year of construction (AD): 410
GPS: 32°22’7.32”N 36°20’33.28”E
Gibson Classification: Petra
Rebuilt facing Mecca: never
For a Link to the Qibla Tool Click Here
The Gate of Commodus‘ at Um el-Jimal opens onto a road that leads north-west to many ancient villages and towns. Most seem to have been purely civilian but one, just 5 km from Jimal, was certainly military. (Kennedy, 2000). A building inscription dates the original construction on the site to 410 AD. The structure measures c. 41 x 41 m, 0.17 ha (0.42 acres) (Parker 1986, 16-17). It is unknown how many different levels of buildings occupy this site as it has never been fully excavated. A series of barrack like buildings occupy the fringes of this site, and in the center is the remains of what appears to have been an Umayyad style Qasr. This building seems to have been oriented so that the south wall faced 210.2 degrees which is close to pointing to Petra. While much of the south (Qibla) wall has been destroyed, Dan Gibson and his team were still able to measure some of the foundations.

The Qasr is in the center of the ruins. The Qasr is oriented so that the south wall would have faced Petra.

Dan Gibson at Ba'ij.

Under the rubble, some rooms are still accessible.

Much of the Qasr is built with black rock. It is also on the top of a hill with good sight all around.
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