Mosque Name: Mezquita de Cordoba (phase 3)
Country: Spain
City: Cordoba
Year of construction (AD): 855 CE
GPS: 37.879075 -4.781293
Gibson Classification: unknown
An inscription was found here dating to 855, indicating the presence of a mosque.
The date of the mosque according to former research was 848
The date basis: historical texts, mosque parallels, inscriptions, datable objects, C14, stratigraphy, construction techniques, and texts. Early datable evidence: an inscription dating to 241⁄855 The general layout is a single hall and two-three halls, a qibla wall, and a mihrab.

Old and newer architecture is combined in this area.
Fernández-Puertas, Antonio, 2009. The Mosque of Cordoba. Twentieth-Century Archaeological Explorations, Granada: Universidad de Granada and Universidad de Córdoba.
Marfil Ruiz, Pedro, 1999. “Avance de los resultados del estudio arqueológico de la fachada este del oratorio de Abd al-Rahman I en la Mezquita de Córdoba”, Cuadernos de Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ 4: 175-207.
Ocaña Jiménez, Manuel, 1988-90. “Inscripciones árabes fundacionales de la mezquita-catedral de Córdoba”, Cuadernos de Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ 2: 9-28.
Thesaurus d’Epigraphie Islamique, inscription n° 1748, accessed May 20th, 2021,
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