Mosque Name: Khirbat al Minya
Country: Israel
City: Khirbat al Minya
Year of construction (AH): 87 AH
Year of construction (AD): 706 AD
GPS: 32°51’56.40”N 35°32’11.72”E
Gibson Classification: Petra
Rebuilt facing Mecca never:
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Qasr Khirbat al Minya is in Khirbat al-Minya, Israel (also known as ’Ayn Minyat Hisham). This is an Umayyad-built palace located in the eastern Galilee region about 200 meters (660 ft) west of the northern end of Lake Tiberias. It was erected as an Umayyad palace complex with an internal palace, mosque and bath. It was built by al Walid. (The date of construction is based on an inscription set into a gateway) near the main entrance. The palace contained a room that was constructed for the purpose of being a mosque. It was the room with pillars in the bottom right corner. Because it is almost directly north of Petra, the mosque and the entire building faces directly at Petra,including the internal mosque. The satellite photo above shows a line drawn from Petra to this structure. The floor plan below was obtained from See also:

View from the air

Floor plan of the Qasr

The Qasr after excavation


Parts of the Qasr are covered with vegetation.

Mosaic floors

The entire structure aligns with a Petra qibla.
Schneider, Alfons Maria, and Puttrich-Reignard, Oswin, 1937. Ein frühislamischer Bau am See Genesareth: Zwei Berichte über die Grabungen auf Chirbet el-Minje, Palästina-Hefte des Deutschen Vereins vom Heiligen Lande 15, Köln: J.P. Bachem.
Ritter, Markus, 2017. Der umayyadische Palast in Ḫirbat al-Minya am See von Tiberias: Bau und Baudekor, Wiesbaden: Reichert.
Ritter, Marcus, 2016. “Umayyad Foundation Inscriptions and the Inscription of al-Walīd from Khirbat al-Minya: Text, Usage, Visual Form”, in: Hans-Peter Kuhnen (ed.), Khirbat al-Minya: Der Umayyadenpalast am See Genezareth, Orient-Archäologie 36, Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 59-83.
Genequand, Denis, 2012. Les établissements des élites omeyyades en Palmyrène et au Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 200, Beirut: IFPO.
Ritter, Markus, 2019. “Eastern Elements in Umayyad Architecture: Audience Hall and Ceremonial Space in Residences”, in: Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger and Falko Daim (eds.), Sasanian Elements in Byzantine, Caucasian and Islamic Art and Culture, Mainz: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 37-59.
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