Mosque Name: Jamia-al-Janad
Country: Yemen
City: Janad
Year of construction (AH): 6 AH
Year of construction (AD): 627 AD
GPS: 13°40’7.49” N 44°10’0.06”E
Gibson Classification: Unknown
Rebuilt facing Mecca: 1011 AD
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According to Mu’adh Bin Jabal, one of the companions of the prophet, a small mosque was built around 6 AH in Janad, which is close to Ta’izz, in Yemen. However, nothing remains from that time period. After this small mosque was torn down it was rebuilt as a congregational mosque in 919 CE (317 AH). That mosque was again rebuilt in 1162 CE (558 AH) and again rebuilt in 1180 CE (575 AH). The original Qibla of the first mosque can no longer be determined as all evidence of the original mosque has disappeared. The latest mosque has a poorly set Qibla that faces too far west. However, the qibla of this mosque faces closer to Mecca than any of the other Qibla directions, so Gibson has classified it as a Mecca mosque.

Mecca Qibla: Green Arrow, Petra Qibla: Red Arrow

Inside the mosque

The old Baths beside the Janad Mosque
Wald, Peter. Yemen, translated by Sebastian Wormell, 176-178. London: Pallas Athene, 1996.
Williams, John A.. Early Islamic Architecture of the Yemen: the early Islamic period, 10-11. Santa Barbara: Visual Education, Inc., 1977.
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