Country: Tunisia
City: Ancient Dougga
Year of construction (AH): 187
Year of construction (AD): 800
GPS: 36.422733° 9.218833°
Gibson Classification: Parallel
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Dougga or Thugga was a Berber, Punic and Roman settlement near present-day Teboursouk in northern Tunisia. The current archaeological site covers 65 hectares (160 acres). UNESCO qualified Dougga as a World Heritage Site in 1997, believing that it represents “the best-preserved Roman small town in North Africa”. The site, which lies in the middle of the countryside, has been protected from the encroachment of modern urbanization, in contrast, for example, to Carthage, which has been pillaged and rebuilt on numerous occasions.
The Dougga mosque qibla faces south as do the mosques of North Africa and Spain. Gibson classifies all of these south facing mosques as ‘parallel.’

The mosque Qibla

The mosque
Below: The mosque can be seen at 1:20
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