Mosque Name: Barwada Mosque
Country: India
City: Gujarat
Year of construction (AD): 700-800 CE
GPS: 21.692053 72.270851
Gibson Classification: Between
Rebuilt facing Mecca: Never
For a Link to the Qibla Tool Click Here
An article in The Times of India (6 Nov 2016) proclaimed that the ancient Barwada Mosque was the oldest mosque in India. This report was picked up by other news services, and even Wikipedia suggests that it is the oldest mosque in India, placing the date as early as 610 to 623 CE. This date is not based on anything found at the mosque site, nor even a mention in ancient manuscripts. Rather, the date was arrived at, by assuming that the Qibla direction was Jerusalem, and thus The Times of India calculated that the mosque had to be built during the short time-period when it was believed Muslims faced Jerusalem, before the Qibla was changed to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
However, upon careful examination, it appears that this mosque faces 286 degrees, which is closest to the Between Qibla. It does not face Jerusalem. (See image below)
There is Arabic script over the mihrab, but this script contains diacritics. The diacritics were progressively introduced, but between 775 CE and 900 CE. This suggests that the mihrab was established after 750 CE.
Dan Gibson assigned a date of 700 CE to this mosque but until it is studied in detail a more accurate date cannot be assigned.

The Barwada mosque faces very close to the Between Qibla (Yellow) Mecca is green, Petra Red and Jerusalem Black.

The old Barwada Mosque is not a heritage site, so no funds have gone towards its preservation.

Notice the India styled domes on the roof.

An inscription above the mihrab.

The mihrab is at the back of the centre wall marking the Qibla to Petra.

The mihrab niche dates this mosque construction to after 708 CE or 89 AH.

The old Barwada Mosque

A closer image of the Mihrab

A corner of the mosque. Notice that it once had ornate carvings.
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