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Archaeology and Islam #01 - Petra Mosques:

Click below to watch the video Archeology and Islam #1 The Petra Mosques. Mosques from the first century of Islam pointed to Petra Transcript Video #1 This is a general transcript of a Dan …

01 Introduction to 2023 Videos:

Dan and Chad start a new video series, introducing the book: Let The Stones Speak. This video is subtitled in Hindi, Urdu and Bengali. In YouTube, click the gear wheel and then choose subtitles. …

Islam: The Untold Story:

A documentary film by Tom Holland. Originally made for BBC Channel 4. However BBC withdrew the film after there were a handful of complaints from Muslims.

Q&A #02 What About Medina?:

Click below to watch video If Petra was the original Holy City of Islam, then what about the city of Medina? Was it also in a different Place? Dan Gibson traces out the history of Medina and the …

Names for the city of Petra:

Research Paper by Dan Gibson and Dr. Peter Harremoës.

Navigation and the Qibla #5 The Indian Circle:

An introduction to the Indian Circle, used by early Muslims to find Qibla directions. This is described to us by al-Battānī, Khwārazm, Ḥabash al-Ḥāsib and others. Transcript Navigation and the Qibla: …

Book: Let the Stones Speak:

Dan Gibson’s definitive new book on early Islamic qiblas, based on over 200 archaeological sites from the first centuries of Islam. Discover why there were multiple qiblas, who created them, and why …

Q&A #09 Was Adam a Muslim?:

Click below to watch the video Several viewers have asked this question. Dan Gibson turns aside from his usual archeology study to address the issue of the existence of Islam before the prophet …

Archaeology and Islam #10 - Battle of Badr:

Click below to watch the video: Where did the Battle of Badr take place? In Saudi Arabia or in Jordan? What historical evidence backs up the two suggested locations? Does this prove or disprove …

Archaeology and Islam #12 - Pre-Islamic Gods:

Click below to watch the video Who were the gods that were worshiped in pre-Islamic times and what can we learn from them? Video #12 in the series Archeology and Islam by Dan Gibson. For more …

A Comparative Dictionary of Religious Terms in Islam and Christianity :

Dictionary: Islam & Christianity Dictionary: Islam & Christianity Malkoc & Pikkert 2020 412 pages This comparative dictionary of theological terms is written by two theologians, one a …

Q&A #12 Where was Ghadir Khumm?:

Click below to watch the video: If Petra is the actual Holy City of Islam, then where was Ghadir Khumm located? Dan Gibson explores the history and significance of Ghadir Khumm, and the possible …

Q&A #15 Where was Becca:

Click below to view video Most Christians assume that Becca was somewhere close to Jerusalem, as the Bible speaks of pilgrimage, and the only pilgrimage they think of was to Jerusalem. However, …

Nabataean Timeline:

Time line from per-historic times to the rise of Islam, and then the last reference to Nabataeans in Islamic literature.

Talking with Dan Gibson #18 Bob the Builder Interview:

Dan Gibson is interviewed live by Bob The Builder

Q&A #19 Approaches to Islam:

Fred Donner described four approaches to early Islamic history. Which one does Dan Gibson feel fits himself best? Transcript Which Approach to Islam? Hello, I am Dan Gibson, and in this video we are …

Q&A #20 Religion of Abraham:

Did Muhammad bring a new religion or did he try to restore the religion of Abraham? And did he succeed. And what was it called? Dan Gibson shares his opinions. Transcript Hello, I am Dan Gibson, and …

Archaeology and Islam #20 - Hud and Salih:

Click below to watch the video: Who were the prophets Hud and Salih? Where do they fit in history and geography? Why did they make Muhammad’s hair turn grey? Transcript Video #20 *This is …

Q&A #21 The Hadiths:

Dan Gibson explains his view of hadith, and why he uses them in his research. Transcript Are the Hadiths Trustworthy or even Useful? Hello, I am Dan Gibson, and this is another video in the series …

Q&A #22 Petra Earthquakes:

When did Petra become a ruined city Dan Gibson provides a survey of earthquakes in Petra, until the end of the city. TRANSCRIPTS \ Hello I am a Dan Gibson, and today’s video will answer the objection …

Archaeology and Islam #22 Are They the Same?:

Click below to watch the video: Are Islam and Christianity basically the same religion? Dan Gibson shares his personal opinion. Transcript Video #22 This is a general transcript of a Dan Gibson …

Archaeology and Islam #23 The Petra Scrolls:

Click below to view the video In 1993 140 charred scrolls and many fragments were found in the back room of an ancient church in Petra. What can we learn from the Petra Scrolls? Discover how the …

Archaeology and Islam #24 Islamic Sites in Petra:

Click below to watch the video: Dan Gibson introduces a new on-line tool that takes visitors on a tour through the Islamic places in Petra. Gibson explains that the original place names in Petra …

Archaeology and Islam #26 Islamic Graveyards and the Qibla #2:

Click below to watch the video: This is the second video of two videos that will examine the Qiblas of early graveyards in Islam. In this video Dan Gibson looks at mosques with a Petra Qibla and a …

Archaeology and Islam #28 Evidence Suppressed #2:

Click below to watch the video: When truth is forced underground, it takes several generations before it emerges. Discover the secret sects and suppressed teachings from the second,third and fourth …

Archaeology and Islam #29 Umayyad Qasrs :

Click below to watch the video: Transcript While writing the book: Early Islamic Qiblas, it became increasingly evident that the original Qiblas of Umayyad mosques faced either to the city of …

Archaeology and Islam #30 - The Origin of the Mihrab:

Did the prophet Muhammad initiate the use of the Mihrab or did it come later? Why do the first mosques have no mihrab? What was used to indicate the direction of prayer before the Mihrab was invented, …

Out of China, with Christ:

Stories by Roland Muller Two stories carefully crafted by Roland Muller. These stories are based on true events that he either experienced personally, or were experienced by people he knew. This …

4. The West’s Big Secret - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:

1000 years ago, Islam was more advanced than the West in every respect. Then one idea changed everything: the concept of human dignity. Throughout history it has never been held as self-evident, so …


Ancient Dedan is known as Al Ula today. In the ruins of the old city there are inscriptions that indicate the Dedanites were preceded by a Minean settlement. The Mineans established a center at this …


Known in ancient times as Yathrib, this important caravan stop is now out of bounds to all non-Muslims. We have not been able to obtain any pictures or clear information about the state or …

Salman the Persian and the Origin of Islam with Jason Reza Jorjani:

Who was Salman the Persian, and how did he influence Islam? Also, who were the green clad ‘angels’ who helped the Muslim army at Badr? This video contains many fascinating historical …

Abdul Qader Yagouri Mosque:

Mosque Name: Abdul Qader Yagouri Mosque Country: Algeria City: Béni Abbès Year of construction (AH): unknown Year of construction (AD): 8th Century GPS: 30°08’00.5”N …

Abu Dulaf Mosque:

Mosque Name: Abu Dulaf Mosque Country: Iraq City: Samarra Year of construction (AH): 245 AH Year of construction (AD): 859 AD GPS: 34° 21’ 39.6000” 43° 48’ 9.0000” ArchNet: …


Mosque Name: Rabadha Town and Mosque Country: Saudi Arabia City: Rabadha Year of construction (AD): 800-899 Rabadha Mosque 1 GPS: 24.631142 41.290238 Gibson Classification: Between Rabadha Mosque Area …

Massawa Mosque:

Mosque Name: Country: Eritrea City: Massawa Year of construction (CE): 600-699 GPS: 15.611981 39.480632 ArchNet: Gibson Classification: Petra (Jerusalem is very close as well) Rebuilt facing Mecca: …

Najaf Graveyard:

Wādī al-Salām or the ‘Valley of Peace’ is an Islamic cemetery, located in the Shia holy city of Najaf, Iraq. It is the largest cemetery in the world and covers 1,485.5 acres (6.01 km2; …

The Ka'ba:

The Ka’ba The Ka’ba in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the center of the Islamic world today. It’s roots go back into the early days of Islamic history. Despite this the very …

Odigram Mosque:

Mosque Name: Odigram Mosque Country: Pakistan City: Raja Gir Year of construction (AH): 440 Year of construction (AD): 1048 GPS: 34.743141 72.314213 Qibla Direction: 273 Gibson Classification: Petra …

Samra Mosque:

Mosque Name: Khirbet Samra Mosque Country: Jordan City: Samra, Mufraq Province Year of construction (AD): 600-699 GPS: 32.180045 36.162585 Gibson Classification:: Petra 198 Rebuilt facing Mecca: Never …

Rahat Mosque:

Mosque Name: Nahal Peher Mosque Country: Negev City: Rahat Year of construction (AD): 600 - 800 CE GPS: 31.372357 34.764179 Gibson Classification: Unknown 174.81 from drawings Rebuilt facing Mecca: …

Dura Europos Mosques:

Mosque Name: Dura Europos Mosques Country: Iraq City: Dura Europos Year of construction (AH): 700 - 800 Year of construction (AD): 81-183 Mosque 1: Rashidun GPS: 34.751142 40.729486 Gibson …

The Ring of Solomon and Surah 38:36-38:

Though parallels between Solomonic and Islamic literature are well known and inevitably overlap with some of the material I present here, the content in this video is adapted entirely from my own …