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Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 1:

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 2:

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 3:

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 4:

Bible Chronology from Solomon to Hezekiah (Part 1):

The Divided Kingdom Introduction The chronology of the period of the divided monarchy in Israel, from the death of Solomon to the fall of Samaria, has been considered by many to be very difficult, and …

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 5:

Table 1 Judah and Israel:

A timeline from the Death of king Solomon to Sennacherib’s Invasion of Judah. This timeline demonstrates that all the dates in the Biblical Chronology fit together. From the Death of Solomon to …

Archaeology and Islam #08 - Historical Muhammad:

Click below to watch the video Was Muhammad a real historical figure? Dan Gibson explains why he thinks Muhammad was a real person. Transcript Video #8 This is a general transcript of a Dan …

Table II of Bible Chronology :

Judah and Israel From the Death of Solomon to Sennacherib’s Invasion a = first half of the year, b = last half of the year, c = about For an explanation of this chart, please see the …

Evidence of the Tabernacle Found at Ancient Shiloh:

How Does an Archeological Dig Work?:

The Chronology of the Book of Isaiah:

The pages of the Book of Isaiah reflect in: a remarkable way the great events of the Prophet’s day. The various prophecies, uttered by Isaiah under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, had a …

Artifacts from the Biblical city of Shiloh Under a Microscope!:

Week 36:

Reading Day 1: 1 Chronicles 8:29-9:1, Daniel 4:1-37, Ezekiel 40:1-37 Day 2: Ezekiel 40:38-43:27 Day 3: Ezekiel 44:1-46:24 Day 4: Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, Ezekiel 29:17-30:19, 2 Kings 25:27-30, Jeremiah …

Go Inside a MASSIVE Warehouse of History:

Egyptian Scarabs in Israel and the Science of Archeology:

The Catacombs Beneath the Church of the Nativity:

Is Petra in Biblical Prophecy?:

For many years now, there has been a popular theory among some Bible believing people that Petra holds a special place in Biblical prophecy. This idea has permeated many sectors of Christianity, and …


Originally titled “The Land of Eden Located” 1964 by David J. Gibson David J. Gibson spent many years searching for the Garden of Eden. As a Bible believing Christian he was convinced that …

Gibson Bible Atlas:

Below are 12 hand drawn maps by David. J. Gibson as he meticulously created maps of the Bible from the Biblical records themselves. These were created in 1927 as David Gibson taught himself where each …

Week 36:

Reading Day 1: 1 Chronicles 8:29-9:1, Daniel 4:1-37, Ezekiel 40:1-37 Day 2: Ezekiel 40:38-43:27 Day 3: Ezekiel 44:1-46:24 Day 4: Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, Ezekiel 29:17-30:19, 2 Kings 25:27-30, Jeremiah …

1. Why the West Attracts Immigrants - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:

Why the West Attracts Immigrants Why the West Attracts Immigrants Ancient and medieval history belonged to the South and the East, but globalisation has meant westernisation. What enabled …

2. The Woman Behind the West’s Economic Success - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:

500 years ago, India was wealthier than Europe. What changed? Can we credit the West’s success to “guns, germs, and steel”? While these did play a role, we cannot overlook one woman’s role in changing …

4. The West’s Big Secret - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:

1000 years ago, Islam was more advanced than the West in every respect. Then one idea changed everything: the concept of human dignity. Throughout history it has never been held as self-evident, so …

5. Democracy: Why It Finally Worked - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:

How did the Reformation create the political movement that the Enlightenment later labelled Democracy? Everyone in Europe was a subject without a right to life or liberty. Where did the notion of …

Sean Anthony, “The Surprising Christology of the Annunciation Scene in Q19...":

During the Covid-19 restrictions, IQSA held its 2020 conference online. This is the first lecture. (International Qur’anic Studies Association). In this video Sean Anthony addresses the …

Early Chronologies of the Bible:

Chronologies and king lists of various kinds have always existed. Down through history rulers, kings and pharaohs have written their accounts on scrolls, clay tablets, temple walls and parchments. As …


The Qur’an speaks several times of the people of Midian, assuming that the listeners in Medina were acquainted with at least the background of these people who roamed the Arabian deserts one …

Muhammad in the Bible: Song of Solomon:

Does the name Muhammad appear in the Bible? Christians who know their Bibles have never seen it, but Zakr Naik says it is in the Hebrew Bible. The author of this video attempts to be humorous in …

Is the Bible Corrupted: First Response:

A discussion about why “different Bibles” exist.

Is the Bible Corrupted: Second Response (Featuring the Topkapi Manuscript):

Biblical Inspiration:

A recent questioner asked, is the Bible inspired by God? This video addresses some internal evidence from within the Biblical narratives.

A Discourse on Trinitarian Monotheism:

A brief clarification on the topic of the Trinity as it is presented in the Biblical texts.