Articles In This Series

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 1:

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 2:

Biblical Studies: Introduction:
It is impossible to study the history of the Middle East without having a good …
Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 3:

Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 4:

Bible Chronology from Solomon to Hezekiah (Part 1):
The Divided Kingdom Introduction The chronology of the period of the divided …
Bible Chronology from Solomon to Hezekiah (Part II):
Copyright 1935, David J Gibson & 2004, 2019 CanBooks PART II The Records of …
Archaeology & the Bible - Searching for a King: Episode 5:

Bible Chronology from Solomon to Hezekiah (Part III):
Copyright 1935, David J Gibson, CanBooks 2004 2020 PART III The Record of …
Table 1 Judah and Israel:
A timeline from the Death of king Solomon to Sennacherib’s Invasion of …
Table II of Bible Chronology :
Judah and Israel From the Death of Solomon to Sennacherib’s Invasion a = …
Evidence of the Tabernacle Found at Ancient Shiloh:

Founding of the Nations Chart:
This chart was constructed from Genesis and I Chronicles in the Bible. Note …
How Does an Archeological Dig Work?:

The Chronology of the Book of Isaiah:
The pages of the Book of Isaiah reflect in: a remarkable way the great events of …
The Chronology of Jeremiah (and the Lachish Letters):
It may be acknowledged at once that the chronology of the time of Jeremiah the …
Artifacts from the Biblical city of Shiloh Under a Microscope!:

Go Inside a MASSIVE Warehouse of History:

Egyptian Scarabs in Israel and the Science of Archeology:

The Catacombs Beneath the Church of the Nativity:

The Date of Christ's Birth:
WHEN the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son.” When St. …
Is Petra in Biblical Prophecy?:
For many years now, there has been a popular theory among some Bible believing …
Originally titled “The Land of Eden Located” 1964 by David J. Gibson …
Gibson Bible Atlas:
Below are 12 hand drawn maps by David. J. Gibson as he meticulously created maps …
Book Review: The Lost Millennium:
undefined The Lost Millennium History’s Timetables Under Siege By …
Lachish Lettering:
Samaria, Ophel, Siloam, Gezer, Moab, Scarab Seals, Maccabean, Samaritan, Lachish
Ancient Middle Eastern Language Chart:
This chart provides scripts from Ugart, Byblos, Egypt, Demotique, Lihyanite, …
Early Chronologies of the Bible:
Chronologies and king lists of various kinds have always existed. Down through …
Modern Chronologies of the Bible:
In the previous webpage, we provided an overview of some of the more prominent …
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