After the viewing the Treasury, we come next to the Street of Facades, which is lined with tall, impressive tombs, with large facades or false faces on their fronts.

The street of facades eventually leads us down into the heart of the city proper.

In order to investigate this tomb, high on the cliff side, archeologists used a famous mountain climber to climb up the mountain and leap down to the small ledge in front of the tomb. Unfortunately the tomb had been robbed long ago and he found only a new bones

A damaged tomb. Some of the facades are badly damaged, and flood deposits have filled many of them with mud.

Some of the canyon walls are lined with dozens of smaller tombs for the not-so-rich.

Over the years the wind has done strange things to the tombs and caves along the roadway.

The housecaves of Petra are a wonderful place to explore and enjoy the wonders of God's creations, along with the ingeniousness of man .in creating homes in the rock.

Across from the Street of Facades are tombs high on the mountain. You can scramble up the mountain at a place across from the stairs up to the High Place, or you can approach this area from the Urn Tomb. The strange door on the left leads to a rather large room.

Very small doorway, half closed from the top This door is below a huge, blank facade. The top of the facade is very crisp clean top.
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