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"Arabia" in Ancient History:

A discussion of the term ‘Arabia” and what it might have meant to Greek and Roman audiences Throughout history, the Arabian Peninsula has been traditionally called ‘Arabia.’ This was …

Gibson Answers Dr. King #5:

Video 5 of 6 videos addressing Dr. King’s paper: The Petra Fallacy. Dr. King chooses six mosques that he believes illustrate his theory of archaeoastronomy. Gibson then examines what history …

Q&A #06 Abraha and the Elephant:

Click below to watch the video: The Prophet Muhammad was born in the Year of the Elephant. Is this ancient story myth or could it have happened? What do the earliest records tell us? Was Abraha a …

Al-Ukhdud Archaeological Site in Saudi Arabia:

This site is near to Najran in southern Saudi Arabia. The Quran 85:4 to 7 mentions this story of a group of devout people (understood as Christians) who were thrown into a ditch and burned. History …

Southern Arabia:

Traditionally the Nabataeans have been known for their role in the incense trade. Frankincense and myrrh, the main components of the incense trade, were obtained from trees located in the southern …

Marib Dam:

The Marib Dam As the Sabaean kingdom developed, they built a huge earth filled dam in the second half of the 6th century BC to hold back some of the water that came down the wadi. From the lake that …

Cane (Qana'):

Cane (Qana) was the southern most port in South Arabia. The incense fields, and the heartland of Yemen were to the north of this port. Incense was loaded onto dhows here for destinations in Europe via …

Trade on the Arabian Sea:

Trade on the Arabian Sea Arabian Sea Trade A great deal has been said on this website about the trade routes between Alexandria and India/Sri Lanka. It is interesting to note, that the only two …


The ancient city of Aden is located at the south west corner of Yemen. It was built at the base of a volcano that rises up to 300 metes from sea level. The old port was built in the back of the bay …

Muza (Al Mokha):

The port of al Mokha has been in use since ancient time. However, once the maritime incense route was established, this port became a busy center of trade. Once the Nabataean Empire was handed over to …

Travel the Incense Route from Ubar to Gaza:

Incense was located in Yemen in what is known as the Hadramout area, and also in Oman along the shores south of Ubar. To get the incense, Nabataean merchants traveled to Yemen and Oman, and then …

Ottoman Railway in Yemen:

The following excerpt has been taken from “Arabia Infelix” by G. Wyman Bury, Kessinger Publishing, Republished in Dec 2004, Paperback, 264 pages, ISBN17975180 Special thanks to Peter …

Early Dhows in Pre-Islamic Petroglyphs:

Do ancient petrogyph drawings along the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, provide us with clues that help us understand the history of the development of the dhow? In this article the author …

Shibam (Hadramaut):

Shibam was the capital of the Hadramaut district of Southern Arabia. This district produced incense and exported it to Timna. Later, when the maritime route opened up, the the Hadramautians traded …

Timna :

Yemen, Timna,


The city of Baraqish was known as Yathul in ancient times. This city was the capital of the Minaean Kingdom around 400 BC. It is located about 30 km north from the Marib dam and must be accessed by 4 …


Najran was an important stopping place on the Incense Road. It is located in the southern part of Saudi Arabia. The oasis of Najran has been inhabited for about 4,000 years. Najran’s most …

The Southern Desert Trek:

South of Medina the incense caravans took several different routs. Some traveled through the rugged mountains, while others kept closer to the desert to avoid inhabited places where thieves or taxes …

Janad Mosque:

Mosque Name: Jamia-al-Janad Country: Yemen City: Janad Year of construction (AH): 6 AH Year of construction (AD): 627 AD GPS: 13°40’7.49” N 44°10’0.06”E ArchNet: …

Shibam Palace & Mosque:

Mosque Name: Shibam Palace Country: Yemen City: Shibam Year of construction (AH): 135 AH Year of construction (AD): 753 AD GPS: 5°55’35.62”N 48°37’31.83”E ArchNet: …

Al-Asha'ir Mosque:

Mosque Name: Al-Asha’ir Mosque Country: Yemen City: Zabid Year of construction (AH): 184 AH or 3rd century AH Year of construction (AD): 820 AD or 9th century GPS: 14°11’45.32”N …

Shibam Aqyan Mosque:

Mosque Name: Jamia’ al Kabir Country: Yemen City: Shibam Aqyan Year of construction (AH): 257 AH Year of construction (AD): 871 AD GPS: 15°30’33.55”N 43°54’10.49”E …

Sana'a Great Mosque:

Mosque Name: Great Mosque Country: Yemen City: Ṣanʿā Year of construction (AH): 86 AH Year of construction (AD): 705 AD GPS: 15°21’11.28”N 44°12’54.80”E ArchNet: …


The Saudi Ministry of Antiquities and Museums has been excavating this site since 1981. It is near Najran. The results have revealed an fortification with exterior wall built of finely shaped stones …