01 Introduction to 2023 Videos:
Dan and Chad start a new video series, introducing the book: Let The Stones Speak.
This video is subtitled in Hindi, Urdu and Bengali. In YouTube, click the gear wheel and then choose subtitles. …
Let the Stones Speak Bibliography:
This is the full bibliography for the book Let the Stones Speak by Dan Gibson. Where possible links have been included to locations where you can access source material.
Bibliography Abu Dawud, …
02 Who are Chad and Dan:
Who are Chad and Dan? Video Contents We would like to introduce ourselves, Dan Gibson and Chad Doell, and explain to you how we came to work together onLet the Stones Speak.
Dan Gibson was raised and …
03 The Qibla Database:
Video Contents
When people discover Dan Gibson’s research, they often wonder how it all began. How could it be that a subject as antiquated as the first places of prayer of Islam could provide such a …
07 Table of Contents One:
Dan and Chad discuss the first half of the book: Let The Stones Speak. This covers the Online Database, Statistics, how the Qiblas were set, what about Mecca and Umayyad Qasrs.
08 Table of Contents Two:
Dan and Chad discuss the pre-Islamic search for the religion of Abraham and how it impacted Islam, and then how the evidence for early Islam was suppressed. Chad then discusses his chapters on Dr. …
Dan Gibson lectures in Calgary Canada:
Dan Gibson: Calgary Lecture
A 90 minute lecture given by Dan Gibson in Calgary, Canada, introducing some of the main points found in his book: Let The Stones Speak.