New Book Release: Let The Stones Speak Download PDF

Qur'anic Geography

Qur'anic Geography


This was Gibson’s original book (2010) that introduce the topic of Islamic Qiblas, among many other topics. Gibson’s research on Qiblas has progressed much in the last 16 years. His book Early Islamic Qiblas presents more up-to-date findings that replace some of the initial findings mentioned in Qur’anic Geography. Back in 2010 Gibson had not yet recognized the Between qiblas, so Gibson has chosen to remove this book from circulation.

This book is based on the 2010 data, which was published six years before the documentary film The Sacred City and the 2024 book Let The Stones Speak. Qur’anic Geography addresses the Founding of the Nations, taken from the Bible. Then it looks at the People of ‘Ad, the People of Midean, and the People of Thamud. The tribes of Arabia and the city of Medina are examed. Part VI addresses Islam’s Holy City mentioning several dozen mosques.

This book contains a timeline of Early Islamic History, a list of of Early Islamic Sources, and an appendice on Early Qur’ans.

This book is long out of print, and was replaced by Let The Stones Speak. This new book uses the 2024 data which includes over 280 mosques. 68 of these face the Ka’ba in Petra, 42 face Gibson’s Parallel Qibla, 61 face Gibson’s Between Qibla, 7 appear to face Jerusalem, and 77 are unknown because they could not be accurately measured. These mosques can be viewed in the Online Qibla Database.

Qur’anic Geography

Hardcover: 470 pages

Publisher: Independent Scholars Press (2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0973364289

ISBN-13: 978-0973364286

Product Dimensions: 6.25 x 1.25 x 9.25 inches

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