Articles In This Series

Trinity Explained 1 - Al Fadi - Doctrine of the Trinity:
RWhat does the Bible teach about the Trinity? Does the Bible teach the worship …
Trinity Explained 2 - Al Fadi - Three Gods or One?:
Does the Bible teach the worship of One God or Three Gods? Does the Old …
Trinity Explained 3 - Al Fadi - The Plurality of the Oneness:
Is the Ones of God absolute or does it have the sense of plurality? What does …
Trinity Explained 4 - Al Fadi - Members of the Godhead:
Who are the members of the Godhead? How are they revealed in the Old Testament …
TRINITY: An Explanation:
For years Christians have struggled to give a clear explanation of the Trinity. …

TRINITY: Undertanding God:


Son of Man:


Image of God:

The Holy Spirit:

Sin - Khata:

Sacrifice & Atonement:


The Law:

Gospel of The Kingdom:

1. Why the West Attracts Immigrants - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Why the West Attracts Immigrants Why the West Attracts Immigrants …
2. The Woman Behind the West’s Economic Success - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
500 years ago, India was wealthier than Europe. What changed? Can we credit the …
3. How the West Harnessed Sexual Energy - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Sex: a private matter very much in the public’s interest. According to Indian …
4. The West’s Big Secret - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
1000 years ago, Islam was more advanced than the West in every respect. Then one …
5. Democracy: Why It Finally Worked - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
How did the Reformation create the political movement that the Enlightenment …
6. The Opening of the Western Mind - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Traditionally, the child of a fisherman, shepherd, or carpenter could not go to …
7. The Source of the Scientific Revolution - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Why was modern science born in Europe in the 16th century? Was it atheism that …
8. Why Monks Created Technology - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Why don’t Western women carry water on their heads like women in Africa and …
9. Why is the West the Least Corrupt? - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
Corruption causes poverty. It is where wealth is transferred from the powerless …
10. Can Nations Be Reformed? - Truth Matters - Vishal Mangalwadi:
The Reformers would have agreed that religion is the opium of the masses, but …
Good News - Restoring honour in front of God and people:
What the Bible says about being able to stand in front of God.
Q&A God, evil, evolution and other questions:
Question and Answer time. From the 2007 Ligonier National Conference with Ravi …
What is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity? Dr. Shabir Ally and Dr. Nabeel Qureshi Debate:
What is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity? Join Dr. Nabeel Qureshi and Dr. …
Christians on Hajj: Visions of the Savior:

Muhammad in the Bible: Song of Solomon:
Does the name Muhammad appear in the Bible? Christians who know their Bibles …
Is the Bible Corrupted: First Response:
A discussion about why “different Bibles” exist.
Is the Bible Corrupted: Second Response (Featuring the Topkapi Manuscript):

Allah is NOT Forgiving, Merciful or Loving:
Does Allah forgive your sins, or must you pay for them?
Genocide in the Old Testament:
The Biblical answer to critics on the issue of genocide in the Old Testament.
Biblical Inspiration:
A recent questioner asked, is the Bible inspired by God? This video addresses …
A Discourse on Trinitarian Monotheism:
A brief clarification on the topic of the Trinity as it is presented in the …
The Quran and the Trinity:
The Quran is not sophisticated enough to argue against Trinitarian Monotheism.
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