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Damascus to Medina

The table below provides the names of the Hejaz Railway stations, and the distance of each station from Damascus. The following table lists the stations from Beruit to Damascus Midan station, and then a table of station from Damascus Midan to Mezerib. The final table is the distances from Dera to Bosra station. Th last three tables also provide the height above sea level in meters.

Name of Station Distance from Damascus
in kilometers
Damascus 0
Kiswe 21
Deir Ali 31
Masjid 50
Jebab 63
Khabab 69
Muhajjah 78
Shaqra 85
Izra 91
Dera 123
Nasib 136
Mafraq 162
Samra 185
Zarqa 203
Amman 222
Jiza 260
Qatrana 326
Maan 459
Ghadir aI-Hajj 475
Batn al-GhuI 520
Mudawwara 572
Tabuk 692
Al-Akhdar 760
Al-Muazzam 822
Ad-Dar ai-Hamra 880
Madain Salih 955
AI-Ula 980
Hadiyya 1,133
Medina 1,302

Beirut to Damascus

Name of Station Distance from Damascus
in kilometers
Height above sea level
in meters
Beirut Port -2 9
Beirut Station 0 15.8
Hadeth 6.3 81.1
Baabda 8.9 203.9
Jamhur 11.9 381
Araya (receving) 16.1 555.9
Aley (receving) 20.4 820
Bhamdun 26.41073.1
Ain Sofar 30.5 1280.1
Deir – el - Beider 37.5 1487
Mrejatt 43.11198.1
Jedita 46.4 1004.9
Said Neil 51.8 914.1
Maallaka 55.9 920.1
Rayak Junction 65.1929
Yahfufa 77.1 1135.9
Jisr Remani 84 1319.7
Serghaya 86.5 1372.1
Zebdani 97.6 1206
Et Tekkie Hatt 109.8 1093
Suk Wadi Barada 114.3 1007.9
Deir Kanun 118.8 896.1
Ain Fije 123.1 818
Jedeide 129.6 773.8
Hame 133.5 772
Dumar 136.8 728.1
Damascus Baramke 143.5 700.1
Damascus Kanawat 144.5 694.9
Damascus Midan 147 687.9

Damascus to Mezeirib

Name of Station Distance from Damascus
in kilometers
Height above sea level
in meters
Damascus Midan 147 687.9
Daraya 152 694.9
Sahnaya 157 705
Kiswe 166 726
Khan Denum 167 726.9
Zerakie 179 719
Ghabaghib 185 698.9
Sanamein 198643.1
Kuneiye 205 1609
Kuteibe 210 586.1
Sheikh Miskin 226531.9
Obta 230 530
Dael 235 523.9
Tafas 241 9495.9
Mezerib (DHP) 247 441.9

Dera’a to Bozra

Name of Station Distance from Damascus
in kilometers
Height above sea level
in meters
Dera'a 0 529
Gasim Junction 5.6 549
El Taibeh 15.3 594
El Haisem 28.7 740
Bosra Eski Sham 38.3 800
Bosra Citadel 39.8 805

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