People connected with the Hejaz Railway and this website

Ghiath is the person who has contributed the most to the Nabataea Hejaz webiste. He is a Hejaz Railway enthusiast. His pictures can be identified by GH-R and a small steam train in the corner. Without Ghiath’s help this site would not be what it is today. Thanks Ghiath for sharing your photos, and for traveling throughout the Middle East getting us great shots!

Ghiath has a CD of photos that he is marketing in Syria. Sorry, but it is not for sale over the Internet. Since this picture was taken, Ghiath has left Syria due to the civil war.

Gerhard Henrich has taken pictures of the Saudi section of the Hejaz. He has an excellent collection of pictures on his website:
Gerhard Henrich has taken pictures of the Saudi section of the Hejaz. He has an excellent collection of pictures on his website:

Roger Bragger
Roger Bragger has also donated photos. You can visit his website site at: <>

Middle Eastern historian, Dan Gibson, traveled on the Hejaz Railway in 1979 between Amman and Damascus. He has since traced parts of the railway through out the Middle East.
Some of the men who made the steam line run during the last century

Mr. Barakat of the Hijaz Railway has been a steam locomotive driver for many years

Mr. Adeeb, Alasiri has been a locomotive driver for many years. He was 58 years old when this photo was taken, and is an experienced steam locomotive driver.

Mr. Aziz with Mr. Emad, a current steam locomotive driver on the Hejaz Railway

Mr. Aziz of the Hijaz Railway has also been a steam locomotive driver for many years.
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