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For over four hundred years the Nabataeans were the principle merchants of the Middle East. From their capital city of Petra they influenced the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians, connecting them with trade to the far flung parts of the world.

Who were the Nabataeans?:

At its peak, Nabataean influence stretched from modern day Yemen to Damascus, and from western Iraq into the Sinai Desert—at least according to some historians. We cannot be sure how large the area of …

The 12 Tribes of Ishmael:

Many of us are familiar with the ancient story of Abraham and his desire to have a son. In the Biblical account of his story, Abraham first had a son with his ‘handmaiden’ Hagar. This first-born son …

The Hagarites/Gerrhaeans:

Many of us are familiar with the ancient story of Abraham and his desire to have a son. In the Biblical account of his story, Abraham first had a son with his ‘handmaiden’ Hagar. This first-born son …

"Arabia" in Ancient History:

A discussion of the term ‘Arabia” and what it might have meant to Greek and Roman audiences Throughout history, the Arabian Peninsula has been traditionally called ‘Arabia.’ This was …

History of Nabataea:

The History of Nabataea Dan Gibson, 2002,2022 EARLY NABATAEAN HISTORY (300 BC - 26 BC) For centuries, the land of Edom was the crossroads for caravans traveling north and south, and sometimes east …

The Crusades:

In the 11th century, Petra lay abandoned. The silence of was broken by the arrival of the Crusaders in the early 12th century. Some Christian monks, who still inhabited the Monastery of St. Aaron on …


The first modern European to see Petra was Johannes L. Burckhardt, a Swiss geographer and scholar who traveled in 1812 disguised as Ibrahim bin Abdallah, a Muslim pilgrim. His drawings and …

Nabataean Economics:

The Economics of the Nabataean Empire It has been accepted by historians that the Nabataean Kingdom was built on the basis of trade and economics, rather than a central political structure and the …

Tall Tales told by the Nabataeans:

As storytellers and liars, the Nabataeans ranked among the greatest. Many of their stories were believed by outside civilizations, and even to this day many people believe that the city of Petra is …

The History of Concrete and the Nabataeans:

Professor Dr. Joseph Davidovits is a recognized world expert on ancient cements and concretes. Much of the following material is taken from his website: Dr. Davidovits is …

The Ptolemies of Egypt:

The Nabataean people began emerging from the Arabian Desert about the same time that Ptolemy I Soter became the ruler of Egypt. At first these emerging civilizations clashed with one another, but …

The Arabian Horse and the Nabataeans:

Introduction The origin of the Arabian horse remains a zoological mystery. Although this unique breed has had a distinctive national identity for centuries, its history nevertheless is full of …

The Elephant and the Nabataeans:

Why did the desert dwelling Nabataeans have such a close association with elephants? Why did these beasts decorate their public buildings? And were they Indian, Syrian, North African, or African …

The Camel and the Nabataeans:

For centuries the Nabataeans moved goods in the desert by camel caravan. The camel was the backbone of their merchant enterprise, and it is only through understanding the camel, that we can better …

Nabataean Timeline:

Time line from per-historic times to the rise of Islam, and then the last reference to Nabataeans in Islamic literature.

Ancient Historians and the Nabataeans:

This page will provide you with some background information on the ancient historians that Dan Gibson quotes in this research. (as opposed to early Islamic writers.) These historians are crucial to …

Sahara Desert's Changing Climate:

Evidence has shown that the Sahara desert was at one time a fertile plain. Between 7000 and 2000 BC the plains were fertile and rich with wild life. The lakes reached their maximum extent around 3,500 …

Flat Earth Myth:

Some of our readers have been surprised at the suggestion that the Nabataeans may have traveled as far as India, China, and possibly even South America. One of the arguments that they have given, is …

Water Collection:

The Nabataeans greatest accomplishment was probably their system of water management. They developed a system to collect rainwater using water channels, pipes, and underground cisterns. Added to this, …

Founding of the Nations:

This chart is drawn from Genesis 10, with some additional materials drawn in from the parallel passages in II Chronicles chapters 1 – 8. It is important to understand that whether we agree with this …

The Madaba Map:

The Madaba Map was found in 1884 in an old Byzantine church, now named The Church of the Map. The local Christians had decided to build the present Greek Orthodox Church of St. George, which is now …

Who are the Nabataeans today?:

Not long after Johannes L. Burckhardt discovered Petra in 1812, historians began to speculate about what had happened to the civilization that built such a magnificent city. Over the years …