New Book Release:
Let The Stones Speak
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Shisr in South Arabia:
Is Shisr the famed ancient city of Ubar as some have claimed? Or is it something else? This location is in Oman, north of Salalah or is it in southern Jordan.
Shisr in South Arabia:
Is Shisr the famed ancient city of Ubar as some have claimed? Or is it something else? This location is in Oman, north of Salalah or is it in southern Jordan.
Q&A #07 The Rahat Mosque:
Click below to view the video Are media reports true that say the Rahat mosque is perhaps the oldest mosque in the world? Dan Gibson demonstrates that the Rahat mosque is not the oldest in the …
Southern Arabia:
Traditionally the Nabataeans have been known for their role in the incense trade. Frankincense and myrrh, the main components of the incense trade, were obtained from trees located in the southern …
Travel the Incense Route from Ubar to Gaza:
Incense was located in Yemen in what is known as the Hadramout area, and also in Oman along the shores south of Ubar. To get the incense, Nabataean merchants traveled to Yemen and Oman, and then …