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Talking with Dan Gibson #16 Hatun Tash Interview 1

Dan Gibson is interviewed by Hatun Tash

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youmarwane Tue, 11PM
ولكن لماذا نجد مكة المكرمة باسمها القديم على خرائط بطليموس الجغرافي المشهور ؟ Macorba
dangibson Wed, 8PM
arabiya Mon, 12AM
bcz of this my islam is more stronger then ever and quran ...quran is the message from G-d is not a history book hadith and bible are histories and she dare and asks us to come to jesus after we know more truth i can never be more proud of my prophet to be from petra and all the history
curiosity Tue, 8PM
Hello Dan I was very fascinated after seeing the video " Is this the real mecca" . I was having certain doubts regarding it and one such i want to share with you 👇 If muhammad was born in petra and petra is somehow - the real place of kaaba , then during hijrath he migrated to which city?? Because it can't be medina (according to your thesis). This question was just out of curiosity. Please do find time to answer this as it will definitely help to understand various other things. Thank you.
maxian Mon, 3AM
Dear Mr Gibson Few quick thoughts: The name Nabateans is a given by foreginers to that people. You meantion the ZMZM people in the bible. Could then be said the Zamzimians is the correct name for the Petra? In an other interview you mention that Petra was call THE MECCA. Todays Mecca - Makkah al-Mukarramah = Mecca the honoured. Might it be correct that the name of the city مكة the arabic Makkah had a common root in the arabic word for Place or side مكان ??? That so Mecca just means "the honoured Place" or "the holy side" ? Islam has it tradtion of renaming places and citiey like Yitrib to Medina. Thanks for the great videos.
dangibson Fri, 9PM
@curiosity I am not sure why you think that Muhammad could not have emigrated to Medina. I am very sure that he did go to Medina. His mother was from there, and it appears she was from one of the Jewish tribes in Medina. She took him repeatedly to Medina during his youth, so he was very familiar with the city, and had close relatives there. Which is one of the reasons he was invited to the city. You need to see the video: What about Medina, ( and also the video Where was Abwa?
dangibson Thu, 6PM
@maxian Josephus, writing about 500 years before Muhammad tells us that the Nabataeans took their name from Nabaioth the eldest son of Ishmael. See the web page: Who were the Nabataeans. For information on Zamzam, see: Zamzam was not the name of a city, but the name of a tribe that lived in Petra at one time.