The Hejaz Railway has captured the imagination of many people. The station of Beer Sheeba was erected on 1915. On October 1917 the British army took over and the rail line was extended from Beer Sheba to Rafah in the west and Qusima in the Sinai Peninsula. In 1927 train service was suspended since it was not profitable and the station buldling then became a house for army officials. In May 1948 the Egyptian army conquered the town and the station housed the regiment headquarters. Five months later the Israeli army took over and the army used the station facilities for 30 years. Later it became a place for artists that used it as paper workshop for 20 years. Now it is abandoned. You can still see the station platform on the left. The station had a water tower which is hidden between residential buildings. Near the station there is a simple monument to honor the Turkish soldiers who died in WWI. Special thanks to Esther Levinson for sending us these photos

Thanks to Philip Haris for sending us the above photo

The old railway bridge over the Beer Sheva Wadi, built in 1916

The pilings of the old rail bridge over Bir Asluj.

Railway bed near Bir Asluj. The ties and rails are now gone.

Special thanks to Esther Levinson for sending all the photos on this page
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