Q&A #08 Al-Aqsa:
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The Qur’an speaks of Al Aqsa over a hundred years before it was built in Jerusalem. So where was the original Al Aqsa described as being in Jiranah? …
Burial Practices:
Every day hundreds of tourists stare in awe at the magnificent tombs in the ancient city of Petra. Indeed, they are among the most fantastic tomb facades in the world. But …
Archaeology and Islam #14 - Petra Pilgrimage:
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Tracing the original Islamic pilgrimage through Petra. Discover places like Jiranah, al-Aqsa, al-Adna, the Ka’ba, Safa, Marwa, Mina, Dhu al-Hulaifa, Jamrat …
Qibla Story # 2 - Between Qiblas:
Part 2⁄7 Why do some mosques face a spot in central Arabia and not Mecca? Who was General Hajja, and why did he develop the Between Qibla?
Hello, I’m Dan Gibson, and welcome …
Christians on Hajj: Visions of the Savior:
Mosque Name: Rabadha Town and Mosque
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Rabadha
Year of construction (AD): 800-899
Rabadha Mosque 1
GPS: 24.631142 41.290238
Gibson Classification: Between
Rabadha Mosque Area …