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Who were the ancient Arab Sea Traders?:

Historians tell us that throughout history Arabs have conducted trade between the ancient European kingdoms and Asia. Most ancient historians were content to simply call these traders …

"Arabia" in Ancient History:

A discussion of the term ‘Arabia” and what it might have meant to Greek and Roman audiences Throughout history, the Arabian Peninsula has been traditionally called ‘Arabia.’ This was …


The ancient port of Sumhuram is located near the modern city of Salalah in southern Oman. It was most active between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD. It is built in the area of Khor Rori and …

Travel the Incense Route from Ubar to Gaza:

Incense was located in Yemen in what is known as the Hadramout area, and also in Oman along the shores south of Ubar. To get the incense, Nabataean merchants traveled to Yemen and Oman, and then …

Early Dhows in Pre-Islamic Petroglyphs:

Do ancient petrogyph drawings along the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, provide us with clues that help us understand the history of the development of the dhow? In this article the author …


Mosque Name: Balid (Zofar) Mosque Country: Oman City: Salalah Year of construction (CE): 800-899 GPS: 17.005985 54.130585 Gibson Classification: Mecca For a Link to the Qibla Tool Click Here …

Job's Tomb & Mosque:

Mosque Name: Job’s Tomb Country: Oman City: Salallah Year of construction (AD): unknown GPS: 17° 6’42.00”N 53°59’38.57”E Gibson Classification: Unknown Rebuilt facing …

Sayh Ramdah Mosque:

Mosque Name: Sayh Ramdah Mosque Country: Oman City: Bowshar Year of construction: unknown GPS: 23°32’36.06”N N 58°23’54.99”E Original Qibla: Petra Rebuilt facing Mecca: never …

Ibra Qiblatain Mosque:

Mosque Name: Ibra Qiblatain Mosque Country: Oman City: Ibra Year of construction (AH): unknown Year of construction (AD): 8th century GPS: 22.701938° 58.527554° Gibson Classification: Petra Rebuilt …

Al Balid Mosque:

Mosque Name: Baliid Mosque Country: Oman City: Salalah Year of construction (AH): unknown Year of construction (AD): 8th century GPS: 17° 0’21.45”N 54° 7’49.83”E Original Qibla: Mecca For a Link to …

al Mudhmar Mosque:

Mosque Name: Al Midhmar Mosque Country: Oman City: Sahail Year of construction (AH): 6 Year of construction (AD): 627 GPS: 23.311637° 58.010857° Gibson Classification: Unknown Rebuilt facing Mecca: …