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Ancient Trade Items:

Far East Trade Routes For thousands of years trade routes existed between the Middle East and Asia. Long before Marco Polo made his historic journey to China, Arab and Chinese traders moved thousands …

The Incense Routes:

.page-links a.row{ color:black; align-items:center; } Nabataean Trade Routes The Ancient Maritime Sea Route Travel the Incense Route from Ubar to Gaza

Tall Tales told by the Nabataeans:

As storytellers and liars, the Nabataeans ranked among the greatest. Many of their stories were believed by outside civilizations, and even to this day many people believe that the city of Petra is …

Talking with Dan Gibson #13 The Christmas Story, as I see it. :

Dan Gibson shares his views of the Christmas Story. December 2019


The ancient port of Sumhuram is located near the modern city of Salalah in southern Oman. It was most active between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD. It is built in the area of Khor Rori and …

Myos Hormos:

For many years the location of the northern Egyptian port on the Red Sea was unknown. Ancient historians like Strabo and the writer of The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea’ gave us know clue to …

Leuce Come:

The Nabataeans maintained two ports that we know about. The first was Aila at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. The Nabataeans also maintained a port on the Red Sea known as Leuce Come (meaning …

Elusa (Haluza):

This Nabataean city can only be reached with a four-wheel drive. It is covered in sand, but has a very impressive church, theater, and inscriptions. In the 5th century it was surrounded by vinyards …

The Northern Desert Trek:

Crossing the trackless desert can be a life-threatening experience, if you do not know any sources of water. The ancient Nabataeans created routes through the desert by creating their own watering …

Timna :

Yemen, Timna,


The city of Baraqish was known as Yathul in ancient times. This city was the capital of the Minaean Kingdom around 400 BC. It is located about 30 km north from the Marib dam and must be accessed by 4 …

The Southern Desert Trek:

South of Medina the incense caravans took several different routs. Some traveled through the rugged mountains, while others kept closer to the desert to avoid inhabited places where thieves or taxes …