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Let The Stones Speak
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Archaeology and Islam #02 - The Between Mosques:
Click below to watch the video Archeology and Islam #2 The Between Mosques do not face Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Who built them and why? Transcript Video #2 This is a general transcript of a Dan …
Ten typical Nabataean coins.
Nabataeans in India:
The Indian Sub-continent was the natural meeting place for Arab, Indian and Chinese maritime merchants. The Malabar Coast on the west of India and the Chola Coast on the east witnessed a great …
Archaeology and Islam #08 - Historical Muhammad:
Click below to watch the video Was Muhammad a real historical figure? Dan Gibson explains why he thinks Muhammad was a real person. Transcript Video #8 This is a general transcript of a Dan …
Nabataean Economics:
The Economics of the Nabataean Empire It has been accepted by historians that the Nabataean Kingdom was built on the basis of trade and economics, rather than a central political structure and the …
The Qibla Story #5 - The Shame Factor:
Part 5⁄7 How could the original Qibla be changed without a huge backlash? Or did everyone just all forget at the same time? The answer to this is understanding the Shame Factor. Dan Gibson …