New Book Release:
Let The Stones Speak
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Libban Station is most likely at: 31°48’25.32”N 35°58’4.33”E Special thanks to John Winterburn for this photo. (c) JB Winterburn
Firaifir Station:
This is a very small station stop
Hassa Station:
Hassa Station is in the desert, but marks where trunnof starts for Wadi Hassa which flows into the Dead Sea The station is on the right when looking from town.
Ma'an Station:
Ma’an was a famous stop on the pilgrim route, and is often called the “Pilgrim City.” You can reach this route by car or bus, by traveling south from Amman on the Desert Highway that …
Bir Shidiya Stop:
Some stations according to the Ottoman State Year Books and “Stations on the Most Exalted Pilgrimage” the stations along the route from Maan to Madawera where almost all simple water holes …
Batn al-Ghul Station:
Batn al Ghul station is located on a cut through the mountains south of Ma’an where the railway drops down to the lower desert. Building this was a real challenge, and it was apparently a very …
Mudawara Station:
Mudawwara oasis. Mudawwara oasis. The Old Town of Mudawara Down in the flat desert. It is through these mountains that the railway takes the plunge through Battan al Ghul down to the …
Khalat Ammar Station:
These pictures were supplied by Gerhard Henrich. These pictures were supplied by Gerhard Henrich. For more great pictures of the Hejaz Railway, please see Gerhard’s site: …
Bir Hermas Station:
Makhtab Station:
This photo was supplied by Gerhard Henrich. For more great pictures of the Hejaz Railway, please see Gerhard’s site: http://www.henrich-center.de/index.html.
Tabuk Station:
Tabuk Station in 1909 The photos below were taken by Jim Easler in 1965, during a visit to Saudi Arabia. Tabuk Police Station 1965 Colonel Vaughn with 3 Saudi Officers at the old Hejaz RR …
Wadi Athil Station:
Wadi Atil Bridge over Wadi Utheyli Wadi Atil Bridge over Wadi Utheyli Wadi Atil Bridge over Wadi Utheyli Wadi Atil Bridge over Wadi Utheyli Wadi Atil Bridge over Wadi Utheyli
Mustabagha Station:
Mustabagha Station This photo was supplied by Gerhard Henrich. For more great pictures of the Hejaz Railway, please see Gerhard’s site: http://www.henrich-center.de/index.html.
Mabarakat Station:
Mabarakat Station Although both el Muzahhim” and “Mubârekât et Taka stations are well recorded in the State Books, the one at Mubârekât et Taka” is not mentioned in PTT Lists; no …